If you are looking to find the exact cost of your home, an appraisal is what you need. An appraisal is a systematic procedure evaluating every aspect of your home. An appraisal must be completed by an appraiser who is qualified and has been educated in this field. This type of estimate will be the most accurate calculation for the value of your home.
Agent Estimate
If you are looking for a quick estimate of your home, just ask your realtor! Realtors use current market trends specific to your home, including sales prices in your area, size of your home, and your home's unique features to estimate the value. This is the most common form of value estimation and is almost always used to price real estate listings. Always remember, that this is just an estimate.
Market Research
If you are looking for a rough, self estimate of your home, market value research is the way to go. View our market trend analytics below or search the trends yourself! These statistics will illustrate the current market values in your area for your size home. Please note that this research is based on averages of homes in specific areas and does not recognize the unique features of each home.